Regarding the Tardigrades vs. Star Trek Discovery case, a Second Amended Complaint has been filed on October 29 2018. I have added more similarities and a couple of companies/subsidiaries to the defendants list. So far things are going smooth and as anticipated. Everything mentioned in the complaint is based on the laws of the United States, specifically 17 United States Code 502-505, 17 U.S.C. 502-505.
The law is clear and straightforward; if you infringe someone's intellectual property you will have to stop the infringement act immediately and; if you profit from the infringed work you'll have to pass the profits to the original creator. I wasn't really aware of the latter. Thankfully, my lawyers know how much effort I have put into the development of Tardigrades and they know all the hard circumstances circling my personal life finding time for game development, so they wanted to make sure I get all my rights to keep my project alive and maintain its originality.